Navigating the maze of local support and opportunities can be daunting. This map is part of the UK's first network of connected community maps. Working with communities to make it ‘aDoddle’ to find local charities, community groups & resources.
Whether you're seeking assistance for yourself, a loved one, or simply looking to make a difference, this map is about empowering you to connect with charities, community groups, and volunteering opportunities that align with your needs and interests.
This map is supported by local businesses and organisations:
There are currently 3 opportunities, become a supporter today.
Local businesses and community organisations are often the heart of our communities, alongside charities and community groups. Thanks to the generous support of the Supporters & Partners below aDoddle is able to provide this free to access community map for both those searching and for organisations to share who they help, how they help, the difference they make and how to connect with them.
If you are a local charity or community group providing support, volunteering opportunities, and social connections in your area, see below to find out how to add your profile to the map.